Posts Tagged ‘bike’

And the second most fabulous…

September 4, 2008

…cycle shirt in the world:

Dennis, Gnasher and me

Dennis, Gnasher and me

There’s a whole new set of shopping experiences out there waiting.


My Next Bike Movie

August 12, 2008

OK I’ll stop now, but this one has a bit more – er – content.

The Boat House in Springfield Park has a nice greasy spoon caff and is the base for a selection of horribly fit medical students who scull up and down the river. It’s also used for parties.

The towpath has a more typical selection of Hackney types.

There’s a nicer caff at the top of the park but that involves uphill, so I’m saving it till I have a few more miles on my legs, as they say.


My First Bike Movie

August 12, 2008

The River Lea is a tedious 20 minute walk through paint warehouses and greasy-mud-moated motor workshops from my house, which is why I’ve not visited it much except via a drive to Springfield Park. But now it’s two minutes away and within five minutes I can’t hear traffic. The wind and gravel become the only sounds, or is that my roaring heartbeat?

I promise there won’t be many more of these. Just wanted to see if it can be done.

Careful with that cattle grid Eugene.
