Posts Tagged ‘NPG’

Wish Me Luck

July 31, 2013

Just dropped off a print of this pic to go into the annual National Portrait Gallery portrait competition.


Well I like it. It’s of Alison Rayner leading her group ARQ at the Vortex. It’s nothing like the sort of pic that gets picked by the NPG so I have even less chance than usual of being one of the 60 winners (no ££ prize except for the 1st), but if they fancy something different, here’s my offering.

Sadly the detail in the shadows that I spent hours putting into  the image didn’t come through in the overpriced print I had made. A lesson in itself. One thing to miss about leaving my teaching job is being able to work with the techs  there, in their time off of course, to tweak prints till they come through right.

[Update: they were not convinced. But Alison is using this pic and others on her new CD, August]

Street Photography

February 6, 2010

Just popped out for breakfast, and what do I find?  I’m a billboard artist now.

Max, Joan and blur

Max, Joan and blur.


The NPG have now linked all the Format photos in the show on their website, see the list of subjects (tho not all the images, following different decisions from the other togs about levels of release).


It’s there

January 23, 2010

Off the Wall

The exhibition on the work of Format Photographers is now up at the National Portrait Gallery – room 38a to save your shoe leather.

Here’s my pic of Joan Ruddock. Photo by Brenda Prince whose pic of Jackie Forster (who should have been made a Dame) is also seen.

It’s a really nice layout and will be there for six months.

Chuffed, very.
