Posts Tagged ‘pride’

Golden Pride

July 15, 2020

It’s 2020! Everything cancelled, including the 50-year anniversary of Gay Pride in London.   So here’s a scroll through my own 41 year journey.  (In 1970 for the first London Gay Pride, I was absent being an oblivious student.)

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Many more pics on my website.



Brighton Pride 2016

August 11, 2016

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Video coming soon.


First of Many

July 7, 2012

LGBT Pride/World Pride London 2012

Just another 709 files to go through now.


Funny old day, Pride more like it used to be, no floats, no end destination. Some stayed away because of this, and I am wondering if that’s why there seemed to be more women this year? That the disco bunny boys only come for the floats and they were the ones who did a sort of boycott?

More info will be likely to come out in the next few days, of the reasons for the scaling down of the day – blame is resting on Boris Johnson’s broad shoulders at the mo.



